Greece Free of Single-Use Plastics
The 1st Innovation Marathon for the development of solutions and applications for a life free of single-use plastics. We actively protect our natural environment and health.
We leave a positive impact on our planet.
Antivirus Crowdhackathon as Greek National Curator at Pan European Hackathon #EUvs Virus in order to overcome the crisis of COVID-19
#EUvsVirus Pan - European Hackathon 24, 25 & 26 April 2020
Registrations will be open till 24th April 2020
Application for the contestants will be open until December 10th. For the better preparation of the teams and participants we encourage them to register in time so that they can participate in the online participation tools.
On Wednesday November 18th 2020, the "Open Day SUP Free hackathon" was successfully completed via online teleconfernce platform.
Creating a culture of innovation and cooperation to achieve a global and common goal: protecting the environment.
Supporting youth and innovative entrepreneurship, providing opportunities for young people, combating unemployment and brain drain.
Supporting the local economy, as people from all over Greece will be able to participate, who may then set up their own business.
Highlighting smart and innovative solutions to the issues and challenges concerning both the marathon thematic areas and the citizens dealing with related issues.
Creating an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of environmental protection and sustainability.
Enhancing the awareness-raising campaign by utilizing new emerging technologies
Connecting the campaign with the technological innovation and entrepreneurship community of our country.
Indicative Thematic Areas
20th October 2020
Open Call & Submission of Issues and Problems
30th October 2020
Publication of specifications
18th November 2020
Open Day
11-13 December 2020
SUP Free hackathon
Submission of Issues and Problems
Publication of Specifications
Presentation of ideas and solutions with the help of teleconferencing tools
SUP Free hackathon
Presentation with the help of conferencing tools!
Along with the innovation marathon, we will be holding online creativity competitions for children and pupils, starting with a painting and crafts competition on #stayhome.
Professor of Digital Governance Head, Digital Governance Research Center Director, Aegean University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit
Associate Professor Economic Evaluation of Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Systems at National Technical University of Athens
Associate Professor of Software Engineering and Geoinformation at NTUA, IT strategist, Information Systems Architect.
Chief Digital Officer – FintelioX Director at Crowdpolicy, General Secretary of Hellenic Blockchain Hub
President of KEDE, Mayor of Trikala
General Secretary of Municipality of Minoa-Pediadas
Labour Market Data Analyst , Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs DG CONNECT National Expert REBRAIN GREECE Technical Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Business Policy Director of the "Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovative Education" Laboratory (M.En.In.Ed. Lab.) Department of Business Administration University of the Aegean
Deputy Governor of e-Government of the Attica Region
Voice Coach
The SUP Free hackathon is the first open innovation action in the context of the “Greece Free of Single-Use Plastics” campaign and aims to encourage society and businesses to create prototype applications and solutions contributing through technology to a life free of single-use plastics.
You can register here.
Application for the contestants will be open until December 10th. For the better preparation of the teams and participants we encourage them to register in time so that they can participate in the online participation tools
You can support the action here.
To the team and its members.
Yes, existing and new teams can certainly participate in the competition.
#supfreehackathongr #hackathon #innovation
The SUP Free hackathon is open to engineers, developers, economists, analysts, researchers, students, business executives, individually or in teams, and generally, anyone interested in turning their ideas on issues related to the reduction of single-use plastics into an integrated application. During the event the participants will have the opportunity to be part of the teams to be formed, develop and present their ideas.
We invite any interested individual, team or company to participate in the marathon:
You can also express your interest in being a sponsor and / or sponsor, as well as a data provider.
The management team will tell you about the process.