The action is part of a series of open innovation actions resulting in the implementation of the SUP Free Innovation Lab that aims to disseminate new disrupting technologies in matters of sustainability and environmental protection and is supported by LiDL Hellas. The SUP Free Innovation Lab includes the organization of the innovation marathon followed by a 5-month cycle providing support in order to turn the prototype applications into productive solutions.
The aim of the SUP Free hackathon is to create prototype applications and solutions for a life free of single-use plastics through technology tools, innovative ideas and methodologies that can be applied to the campaign actions, our daily life and the operation of businesses.

The SUP Free hackathon mobilizes the creative human capital of the society and enterprises, strengthens creativity and the youth entrepreneurship, invests in partnerships, utilizes the experience and know-how of the participating executives and promotes innovation. It is part of the effort to strengthen the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in Greece, and at the same time, to create an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of environmental protection and sustainability. In addition, it helps address the “brain drain” phenomenon and keep our young scientists and entrepreneurs in our country.
At the same time, it aims to promote catalysts for local development such as open data, a key component of the digital economy, and the connection with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Shared Value Initiative.

The SUP Free hackathon is open to engineers, developers, economists, analysts, researchers, students, business executives, individually or in teams, and generally, anyone interested in turning their ideas on issues related to the reduction of single-use plastics into an integrated application. During the event the participants will have the opportunity to be part of the teams to be formed, develop and present their ideas.
The teams and solutions that will be distinguished will have the opportunity to participate in a 5-month support cycle to develop their solution and turn it into a productive application (acceleration phase).
Application for the contestants will be open until December 10th. For the better preparation of the teams and participants we encourage them to register in time so that they can participate in the online participation tools.