
City Challenge Crowdhackathon #smartcity 3




  • Creating innovation, supporting youth and innovative entrepreneurship, providing opportunities for young people, combating unemployment.
  • Supporting the local economy, as contestants from all Municipalities of Greece can participate, who can then start their own business.
  • Highlighting and creating smart and innovative solutions to problems that citizens and municipalities face.
  • Developing and presenting pilot applications, which can be useful to Municipalities, and awarding the groups that will develop the best ones.
  • Making the results of the competition available to everyone.




Participation is FREE, on a first come,first served basis and there is a limited number of slots per role. Anyone interested has to register through the event platform in order to be able to enter the marathon venue.

You can participate having one of the following roles:

  • Teams made up of young people to implement applications. The contestants can be developers, analysts, designers, consultants etc., and they compete in groups of  1-5 people (desirable).
  • Mentors: They guide and support the contestants.
  • Volunteers: They support the event.
  • Visitors: They can be company executives, public sector bodies or NGO members, but they do not take part in the competition; they watch the progress of the development of applications, the presentations and the side events.
  • Data owners: They are organizations that will provide data which can be utilized and may come from either the public or the private sector.
  • Journalists




  • Electronic services of Municipalities –
    e-government – open data
  • Promotion of transparency and accountability
  • Protection of the environment and management of resources
  • Development of tourism
  • Services for businesses
  • Development of applications for the local economy and sustainable development
  • Internet of Things, Mobile & Smart Grids, ICT Technologies, Telematics, Energy Management – Lighting, Smart Buildings – Energy Efficient Buildings, Transport Networks – Road Networks – Traffic Management, Transport (electromobility, gas-powered vehicles, hybrid vehicles) and Public Transport, Water and Waste Management, Health and Telemedicine
  • Electronic Payments, Crowdfunding
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation

PRIZES / prizes


Financial prizes will be awarded in the top 4 positions: € 4,000, € 3,000, € 1,000 and € 1,000.

Extra prizes will constantly be announced until the beginning of the event.

PRIZES / prizes


Financial prizes will be awarded in the top 4 positions: € 4,000, € 3,000, € 1,000 and € 1,000.

Extra prizes will constantly be announced until the beginning of the event.

Join us now


Write code – Develop your application!


Learn more about #smartcity2. Join Facebook Events for news, announcements
and published ideas!


People with common interests, all in one place!


There will be breakfast, lunch and more 🙂

The Process / process



  • Come up with an idea (or not)
  • Show up with your team or
  • Show up on your own and we will help you form a team



  • Read the specifications and the examples
  • Get prepared
  • The applications that will be implemented during the hackathon will be open to everyone!



  • Grab the microphone
  • Present your idea and application to everyone!
  • Wait for the results

powered by


The team and its members. See Terms and Conditions of the competition here.

Every person that has registered to participate in the competition should be present during the entire competition.

Yes, already existing teams as well as new ones can participate in the competition.

No, anyone having fresh ideas and the energy to develop a new application is welcome to participate.


Hellenic Cosmos
cultural centre
254, Peiraios st. 254,
177 78 Tauros
Tel. : +30 2169002600


Contact Us / @CITY CHALLENGE crowdhackathon #smartcity2

CITY CHALLENGE crowdhackathon #smartcity2 is an open participatory process. Please fill in the form below to contact us.
You can use the same form to express your interest in participating as a supporter and / or sponsor as well as a data provider. The management team will then contact you to inform you about the procedure that is to be followed

Το όνομά σας (απαραίτητο)/ Name (required)

Το email σας (απαραίτητο)/ Email (required)

Θέμα / Subject

Το μήνυμά σας / Your Message