be a part of hack OAED crowdhackathon is an open innovation technological action and aims to activate (community activation) the innovation ecosystem, organizations and companies to create original applications that promote the digital transformation of OAED through new and innovative applications for social impact.
Antivirus Crowdhackathon as Greek National Curator at Pan European Hackathon #EUvs Virus in order to overcome the crisis of COVID-19
#EUvsVirus Pan - European Hackathon 24, 25 & 26 April 2020
Registrations will be open till 24th April 2020
Creating a culture of innovation and collaboration.
Supporting youth and innovative entrepreneurship, opportunities for young people, combating unemployment.
Support to the local economy, as competitors from all over Greece will be able to participate.
Highlighting smart and innovative solutions and the challenges created around applications related to employment and unemployment, as well as the public dealing with related issues.
Improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of institutions dealing with social issues / social actions utilizing new emerging technologies.
Interconnection with the technological innovation and entrepreneurship community of our country.
Creating an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in actions related to enhancing employment.
The following are indicative thematic areas and examples, which will be enriched during the marathon.
Fighting unemployment
Education and training
Entrepreneurship for everyone and everyone
Upgrade procedures
November 1, 2021
Open Call
November 16, 2021
Open Day
November 19, 2021
Technical Specifications
December 4-5, 2021
Be a Part of Hack Crowdhackathon
Submission of Issues and Problems
Publishing Technical Specifications
Creating Teams with remote collaborative tools
Be a part of hack
Pitching of ideas and solutions via video conferencing tools and with physical presence!
Along with the innovation marathon, we will be holding online creativity competitions for children and pupils, starting with a painting and crafts competition on #stayhome.
Σύμβουλος Διοίκησης - Στέλεχος Διεύθυνσης Γραμματείας Διοικητή ΟΑΕΔ Μέλος του δικτύου καινοτομίας Δημοσίου Τομέα του Υπουργείου Εσωτερικών, ΟΑΕΔ
Director, Data & Analytics Leader, Advisory - PwC Greece
Προϊσταμένη Διεύθυνσης Συντονισμού & Ανάπτυξης Δικτύου Υπηρεσιών Απασχόλησης, ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗ ΟΑΕΔ
Labour Market Data Analyst , Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs DG CONNECT National Expert REBRAIN GREECE Technical Coordinator
Business Undertaking Consultant, Employers Job Consultant, OAED
Manager, Data & Analytics, Advisory - PwC Greece
Senior Manager, Technology, Advisory - PwC Greece
Senior Manager, Technology, Advisory - PwC Greece
Manager, Data & Analytics, Advisory - PwC Ελλάδας
be a part of hack OAED crowdhackathon, is an open innovation technological action and aims to activate (community activation) the innovation ecosystem, organizations and companies to create original applications that promote the digital transformation of OAED through new and innovative social and innovative ideas with social impact.
You can apply here.
Express your interest through the form that you will find here.
To the team and its members. See the Terms and Conditions of Crowdhackathon here.
Yes, existing and new teams can certainly participate in the competition.
#beapartofhack, #neosoaed, #innovation
At be a part of hack OAED crowdhackathon can participate scientists, engineers, programmers, economists, analysts and in general anyone who has an idea on issues related to the application of new technologies and is interested in developing it. The direction of creating groups between different subjects will be strengthened, as well as collaborations with external participants, such as professionals, academics, researchers or students.
We invite any interested individual, group or company to participate in the marathon:
You can also express your interest in being a sponsor and / or sponsor, as well as a data provider.
The management team will tell you about the process.