< Πίσω στους μέντορες

Δρ. Τζώτσος Άγγελος

Vice-President, Open Source Geospatial Foundation Co-Founder, EOfarm

Angelos Tzotsos was born in Ioannina, Greece, in 1980. Angelos is a remote sensing expert with background in surveying engineering and software development. He has a MSc in Surveying Engineering/GeoInformatics and a PhD in Remote Sensing from National Technical University of Athens. He is currently Vice-President and Charter Member of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and a Member of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).

He is the chair and release manager of OSGeoLive and heavily involved in many OSGeo and Open Source projects: pycsw, OrfeoToolbox, GeoNode, pygeoapi, ZOO-Project, OWSLib, MapServer, QGIS, GRASS GIS, ckanext-geodatagov, ckanext-publicamundi, Gnorasi. He is also an official developer for the openSUSE GNU/Linux distribution as well as a maintainer of the UbuntuGIS

His research interests include object-based image analysis, machine learning, computer vision, remote sensing, geospatial catalogues and open data. He is currently the scientific and technical coordinator of the Greek national SDI (geodata.gov.gr) and he was a consultant/developer for the US open data catalog data.gov. He is also the co-founder of EOfarm P.C., specialising in earth observation and geospatial applications development.