ΕΚΔΔΑ Gov 5.0 Hackathon

19 – 20 February 2022 | EKDDA (211 Pireaus Str., Tavros), hybrid

The EKDDA Gov 5.0 Hackathon (Innovation Marathon), powered by Crowdpolicy, is an open innovation technological action aimed at activating the innovation ecosystem, organizations and companies, as well as local government executives to promote the digitalization of Administration and Local Government as well as the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA), through new and innovative ideas and applications with social impact.


Antivirus Crowdhackathon as Greek National Curator at Pan European Hackathon #EUvs Virus in order to overcome the crisis of COVID-19

#EUvsVirus Pan - European Hackathon 24, 25 & 26 April 2020

Registrations will be open till 24th April 2020

On Tuesday 21st December 2021, the Open Day of the EKDDA Gov 5.0 Hackathon, the innovation marathon in Public Administration and Local Government organized by the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA), was successfully completed.

ΕΚΔΔΑ Gov 5.0 Hackathon | Interview at STAR Central Greece

We invite any interested individual, team or company to participate in the competition:

By developing innovative methodologies and applications that address these issues (participants - contestants).

By proposing issues or challenges related to the digital transformation of EKDDA that need a solution and by developing an application to tackle them (public submission of proposals - consultation).

Supporting this effort (mentors, sponsors, supporters, public organizations, companies, collective entities).



Creating a culture of innovation and collaboration


Support for youth and innovative entrepreneurship, opportunities for young people, fight against unemployment


Support for the local economy, as competitors from all over Greece will be able to participate


Highlighting smart and innovative solutions and the challenges created around applications related to the operation of public administration and local government


Improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of bodies that cooperate with the public administration


Interconnection with the technological innovation and entrepreneurship community of our country


Creating an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in actions related to the modernization of public administration


Indicative Thematic Areas

Local government and utilization of Open Data

  • Reducing waiting times for access to the service
  • Maximizing the satisfaction of citizens' needs. Aim with one visit to complete the request
  • Enhancing the efficiency of administrative services, reducing bureaucratic constraints and handling more cases per unit of time
  • Optimal human resource management through education and lifelong learning. The best recording and evaluation of the work of the services if it will be possible to apply quantitative and qualitative indicators
  • The improvement of the working conditions of the staff of the Municipalities, since the applications that will be created will allow them to perform their duties with greater completeness and a smaller number of required actions

Innovative Ideas of Digital Transformation of E.K.D.D.A.

  • Development of mobile apps for ESDDA students and INEP trainees
  • Candidate evaluation tool for inclusion in the Register of Main Teaching Staff
  • Tool for selecting candidates for training of Local Government executives for participation in training programs
  • Matching the scientific profile of trainers with educational needs
  • Utilization of machine learning for counseling professional career of graduates of ESSDA. (the right stem in the right place)
  • Data creation tool as a prerequisite for creating & utilizing big data analytics and artificial intelligence
  • Maturity and development monitoring tool for training activities


  • 6th December 2021

    Open Call

  • 21st December 2021

    Open Day

  • 14th January 2022

    Technical Specifications

  • 19th-20th February 2022

    ΕΚΔΔΑ Gov 5.0 Hackathon


Submission of Issues and Problems

Publishing Technical Specifications

Creating Teams with remote collaborative tools

ΕΚΔΔΑ Gov 5.0 Hackathon

Presentation of ideas and solutions hybridly (both remotely and physically)


Along with the innovation marathon, we will be holding online creativity competitions for children and pupils, starting with a painting and crafts competition on #stayhome.


For the winning teams





Dr. George Apostolopoulos

Chief Business Development Officer at OTS SA

Dimitris Skalkos

Secretary General of Public Investments and ESPA | Ministry of Development and Investment

Nektaria Kalogeropoulou

Sr Account Executive | Public Sector GR & CY, Microsoft

George Karamanolis

Co-Founder & CTO/CIO at Crowdpolicy - Chairman of Hellenic Blockchain Hub

Leonidas Christopoulos

Secretary General of Digital Governance & Simplification of Procedures of the Ministry of Digital Governance

Paraskevi Dramalioti

President Ε.Κ.Δ.Δ.Α.

Giannis Giorgoulakis

Chief Software Architect # Head of ERP R&D, Softone

Athanasios Kyriazis

Secretary General for Research and Innovation, Ministry of Development and Investment

Niki Dandolou

Special Secretary for ESF Programmes

Dr. Kostas Tsagkaris

Managing Director, WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS

George Nounesis

Διευθυντής του ΕΚΕΦΕ Δημόκριτος και Πρόεδρος του ΔΣ


Michael Psallidas

Managing Director, Crowdpolicy

Dimitris Panopoulos

Labour Market Data Analyst , Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs DG CONNECT National Expert REBRAIN GREECE Technical Coordinator

Dimitris Mousadakos

CEO at Big Blue Data Academy

Panagiotis Braimakis

A.I. Tech Lead, External Consultant @ National Bank of Greece

Chariklia Koutalou

Business Development - IT Systems Analyst, Matrix

Athanasia Loukidou

Project Manager, University of Macedonia

Alexander Zacharopoulos

Research Fellow MSL/AUEB

Georgios B. Ntanis

Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης σε θέματα Ψηφιακής Πολιτικής , Δήμος Ηγουμενίτσας

Nikolaos Podas

MDAAE Expert of the Region of Central Macedonia, EKDDA Trainer, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Consultant

Nikos Zachariadis

Chief Commercial Officer, Lancom

Gabriel A. Kouris

General Secretary of the Municipality of Minoa Pediada

George Karakatsanis

Γενικός Γραμματέας, Δήμος Σύρου - Ερμούπολης

Alexandros Melidis

Γενικός Διευθυντής, ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Οργανισμός Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών

Elias Konstantinos

Senior Web & Mobile Developer, Softone

Ioannis Georgopoulos

Web & Mobile Developer, Softone

George Varvates

R&D Manager, Softone

Konstantinos Mouchelis

R&D Manager, Softone

Konstantina – Anastasia Kasapi

Γενική Γραμματέας, Δήμου Θερμαϊκού

Theodore Theodorou

Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft

Nikolaos Antoniou

Digital & App Innovation Specialist, Microsoft

Panagiotis Aggelopoulos

Αναλυτής Ψηφιακών Εφαρμογών και Υπηρεσιών, ΕΔΥΤΕ

Chrisanthi Kiskini

Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Support and Program Implementation, Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia

Vyron Vasileiadis

Senior Software Engineer, BibeCoffee


ΕΚΔΔΑ Gov 5.0 Hackathon, is an open innovation technological action and aims to activate (community activation) the innovation ecosystem, organizations and companies to create original applications that promote the digital transformation of EKDDA through new and innovative social and innovative ideas with social impact.

You can apply here.

Express your interest through the form that you will find here.

To the team and its members. See the Terms and Conditions of Crowdhackathon here.

Yes, existing and new teams can certainly participate in the competition.

#ekddahackathon, #ekdda, #innovation

At ΕΚΔΔΑ Gov 5.0 Hackathon can participate scientists, engineers, programmers, economists, analysts and in general anyone who has an idea on issues related to the application of new technologies and is interested in developing it. The direction of creating groups between different subjects will be strengthened, as well as collaborations with external participants, such as professionals, academics, researchers or students.

We invite any interested individual, group or company to participate in the marathon:

  • by developing original methodologies and applications that address these problems (participants).
  • supporting this effort (mentors, sponsors, supporters, public organizations, companies, collective bodies).


  • (+30) 216 900 2600
  • Crowdpolicy

  • You can also express your interest in being a sponsor and / or sponsor, as well as a data provider.
    The management team will tell you about the process.




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